Heating Instructions

Mr. mailman


 If you plan on consuming the day of or the following day place in your refrigerator. If later, then store in freezer. When you are ready to consume, whatever you do, do not use your oven. If you want to be fancy break out your Sous Vide. If you don't have one, not a problem, a pot and a food thermometer will do the trick just as well.

These meats were smoked up to the following temperatures before being chilled and vacuum packed:

  • Brisket: 203 °F
  • Rib: 205 °F
  • Burger: 145 °F
  • Sausage: 155 °F
  • Chicken: 165 °F

 Here is a simple guide by the folks at Martha Stewart:

Remember these meats are already smoked and cooked and you can take them to your desired temperature, but here are some tips you may find helpful:

  • Brisket: It will take a 5 - 10 lb brisket about 1:30 to 3:00 to get to an internal eating temperatures of 145 - 160 °F at a sous vide temperature of 165 °F. Another suggestion is to rotate your brisket at the midway point during the sous vide process.
  • Rib: Similar to the brisket (same temps and all), but due to the ribs being a smaller piece of meat it will take much less time to hit your desired internal eating temperature.
  • Burger: If you like a little char on your burger, you may not want to bring them to the same temperature as let's say a brisket, because you may end up with an over done burger after you finish charring.
  • Sausage: We don't recommend you take the internal temperature over 165 °F as this will begin melting the cheese inside which will liquify and expand and begin to leak out of your sausage.
  • Chicken: This one is easy to overcook. So we prefer to set the temperature at 140 °F sous vide for 15 - 30 minutes.

Here is what our friend Aaron Franklin has to say on the matter:


For additional information check out the U.S. Department of Agriculture; usda.gov.